Enhance Film Workflow with Advanced AI Tool

DX Assist is an AI-powered dialogue editing tool that facilitates the work of movie dialogue editors by performing preliminary audio editing.

Discover better way to start your Dialogue Edit


Adjust a few parameters and let DX Assist work its magic.

It is based on AI algorithms.

It detects human speech and filters out unwanted sounds, and you can adjust its level of precision.

You can use it on many platforms.

Pro Tools, Nuendo, Samplitude, or even Final Cut. Just import AAF from DX Assist.

DX Assist will save time and money.

Set parameters to fit  quality of production sound

Set a few key parameters to customize the algorithm to your needs. You can also leave everything as is and let the program choose the parameters automatically.

Select tracks to process.

Select the tracks you want to process. Deselect tracks with music or sounds, focusing the algorithm only on dialogues reducing processing time.


What is DX Assist?

DX Assist is a new software specifically designed to help isolate and clean dialogue tracks. It automatically detects and processes sections of audio that contain dialogue, reducing or eliminating background noise, room tone, or other unwanted sounds. It’s tailored more towards dialogue editing and mixing in post-production, making it easy to clean up tracks quickly.

Is DX Assist the same as Strip Silence in Pro Tools?

No, DX Assist uses AI-based algorithms that can distinguish human speech from other loud sounds. It not only detects volume levels based on the provided threshold (like Strip Silence) but also relies on parameters such as RMS and frequency content of the sound. This allows for achieving much better results in separating unwanted segments of the recording.

Does DX Assist work similarly to noise reduction programs like iZotope RX or Clear?

No, DX Assist does not process sounds as such; it only makes cuts in the audio regions, leaving only those segments where human speech is detected. The remaining regions can still be extended in both directions if we want to create larger segments. This automatic segment parameter can also be set in the "parameters" section of the program.

Can DX Assist be used only in Pro Tools?

No, DX Assist works with AAF files, which are a format used for exchanging audio and video data between platforms. It is used by many programs for audio post-production as well as video editing, such as Pro Tools, Nuendo, DaVinci Resolve, and others.

Will only dialogue editors benefit from DX Assist?

Not only that. DX Assist can be successfully used by video editors and other audio-video content creators, for example, to simplify audio from the set when working with multi-track audio, to prepare source material for speech recognition, to clean up lavalier microphones in YouTube recordings, and for many other applications.

Why should I sign up for "Early Access"?

By signing up for "Early Access," you will receive the Beta version for testing first, as well as a 20% discount on the first official releases of the program.

What is the current status of the program?

We are working on refining the first version of the algorithm as well as making changes to the user interface. Additionally, we are testing the program on various operating systems and system configurations. The Beta version is planned for release before the end of 2024.

Please fill out and submit the survey; it will help us tailor the program to your specific needs.